
Members of congress apologize to Clinton for Trump's visit to Mexico

Several members of congress sent Ms. Clinton a letter in which they wrote off President's decision to invite Donald Trump to Mexico, calling it "reprehensible"

Photo: EL UNIVERSAL Archives
26/10/2016 |17:22Horacio Jiménez |
Redacción El Universal
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Several members of congress of the PAN, PRD and MC parties, and one independent legislator, sent a letter addressed to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton condemning the president's controversial invitation and visit of Donald Trump to Mexico, and expressed their desire to strengthen ties between Mexico and the U.S., by creating a “bridge” between the two countries.

At a joint press conference, the legislators Agustín Basave Benítez and Manuel J. Clouthier, said that the purpose of the letter was to “amend Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto's mistake of inviting Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to Mexico in August,” they said.

“It was a monumental mistake that damaged the bilateral relationship with Mexico. It seriously damaged our relationship and who knows for how long. We are trying to fix this, since we now have a bridge between our country and the Democratic party and Hillary Clinton that, if it hasn't already collapsed, is in desperate need of repair,” the Mexican legislator Basave Benítez at the press conference.

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Basave said that in the letter, which has been signed by the several congressmen and women, they extend and invitation to meet with Hillary Clinton in the U.S. after the November 8 elections.

The legislators also said that through the letter they sent to the U.S. embassy on Tuesday, they want to express their worries over the severely negative consequences resulting from the highly controversial meeting between Donald Trump and Mexico's president.

“We want to reaffirm what Ms. Clinton is probably already aware of: Donald Trumps' visit to Mexico was an affront to millions upon millions of Mexican citizens, including many of us congressmen and women.”

“Helping, either directly or indirectly, the anti-Mexican candidate's poll numbers and putting into jeopardy the campaign of the candidate who has never attacked Mexicans or our country during these elections was not only a poor decision by our president, it was absolutely reprehensible,” the members of Mexico's congress concluded.