Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto congratulated Patricia Juárez Camacho, Ph.D. for winning the 2016 Rising Star Award for her work on the “Development of specific nanomolecules for the treatment of triple negative Breast Cancer in Hispanic Population”

"I congratulate Patricia Juárez, Ph.D. of CICESE, winner of the 2016 Rising Star Award for her research to treat breast cancer," the president published on his Twitter account.

Patricia Juárez is part of the Department of Biomedical Innovation (DIB) at the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education (CICESE) in Ensenada, Baja California.

This award provides funding to promising young scientists and physician-scientists in the bone field who have already been recognized by individual NIH “K awards” and other similar international professional development programs.

A total of 32 applications were received (13 international, 19 U.S.) for this program.

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