
Boxing program launched in Mexican prisons as path to reintegration

The president of the World Boxing Council said this is just the beginning of a program that he hopes can be launched in penitentiary centers around the world.

Boxing program launched in Mexican prisons as path to reintegration
12/10/2016 |20:13Astrid Sánchez |
Redacción El Universal
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Officials in Mexico are exploring new ways for improving the reintegration of prisoners, one of which includes a boxing program that has been launched in penitentiary centers throughout Mexico.

The program is aimed at promoting a sporting culture and program that would allow prisoners to become professionally certified boxing instructors, thus increasing their chances of finding work upon their release, in addition to giving prisoners a sense of self-respect.

“Sporting activities are essential and one of the most important paths for transforming society,” said federal official José Alberto Rodríguez Calderón.

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“Boxing is a comprehensive sport that helps to reduce stress and deal with feelings of anger; it helps you forget about your problems. You become a different person when study and practice the sport,” he said.

Mauricio Sulaimán, president of the World Boxing Council, said that this program in Mexico is just the beginning of a program that he hopes can be launched in penitentiary centers around the world.