
Three fishermen survive a month adrift in the Caribbean

The three Central American men were rescued off the coast of Las Coloradas, in Yucatán.

Photo: Special
23/09/2016 |16:03Yazmín Rodríguez / Corresponsal |
Redacción El Universal
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Three fishermen from Costa Rica and Nicaragua were a month adrift due to a mechanical failure on the ship until they were rescued off the coast of Las Coloradas, in Yucatán.

The Central American men were fishing when the engine on their ship broke and the sea currents took them to the Mexican coast. At the time of the rescue they were slightly dehydrated but in good condition.

The fishermen said that they decided to drop the engine when they were adrift to prevent the boat from sinking.

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They also said they had to eat fish and ration water to stay alive.

The undocumented fishermen were sent to the Mexican Immigration Institute (INM) in Yucatán.

The INM said that they received medical attention and the agency is working to resolve their immigration status.