
Egypt to pay families of 8 Mexican tourists killed in attack

In May, Egyptian authorities agreed to pay US$140,000 in compensation to each family of the eight Mexican tourists who died in an attack by Egypt security forces during a safari in September 2015.

(Photo: Archive/El Universal)
12/09/2016 |16:26Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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After a year of the attack suffered by Mexican tourists in Egypt, where eight were killed, the Egyptian Embassy said that the compensation to the families of the victims will be paid in the coming days.

Through a statement, the Egyptian Embassy explained that the compensation will be paid after the end of the Eid al-Adha fest, the biggest festival of the Muslims.

"The authorities of both countries have been very interested in providing the right conditions to complete the compensation process for the incident occurred in the Oasis region," the statement reads.

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In May, Egyptian authorities agreed to pay US$140,000 (123,000 euros) in compensation to each family of the eight Mexican tourists who died in an attack by Egypt security forces during a safari in the western desert of the country in September 2015.

It was agreed that part of the money will come from a fund of the Ministry of Tourism.