
Zika-exposed babies born without microcephaly in Yucatán

The virus is transmitted through Aedes aegypti mosquito bites and sexual contact.

Zika-exposed babies born without microcephaly in Yucatán
26/08/2016 |15:38Yazmín Rodríguez / Corresponsal |
Redacción El Universal
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Four babies in Yucatán, whose mothers were infected with Zika during pregnancy, were born without microcephaly, said Jesús Paredes Aguilar, director of Prevention and Health Protection of the State.

However, the newborns will remain under pediatric surveillance to rule out any future health problems.

The official said there are still eight pregnant women in the state who were infected with Zika, the virus transmitted through Aedes aegypti mosquito bites and sexual contact, so they have been under special observation.

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Paredes Aguilar said that the remaining pregnant women will continue under prenatal care to undergo tests and discard any neurological defects, problems in the ventricles, or anencephaly in the babies.