Donald Trump is suggesting that Hillary Clinton's commanding fundraising lead is attributable to the "blood money" she has raised.

Trump told CBS News on Tuesday that when Clinton raises money, "She is making deals, saying: 'Can I be the ambassador to this, can I do that? Make sure my business is being taken care of.'"

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee continued, "I mean, gimme a break - all of the money she is raising is blood money."

The Trump campaign reporting having just US$1.3 million in cash on hand at the start of June, more than US$41 million behind Clinton, his likely general election opponent.

His campaign has downplayed the fundraising gap, but Trump told CBS he doesn't want to "devote the rest of my life to raising money from people."

Also, Trump is defending himself against Clinton's accusations that he is hypocritical for criticizing companies for outsourcing jobs even though some of his own products are manufactured overseas.

Trump said Tuesday in an interview with ABC News that he "says all the time" that he manufactures some of his branded products overseas, including ties made in China. He said, though, that his trademark "Make America Great Again" hats are manufactured in the U.S.

Clinton repeatedly attacked Trump earlier Tuesday for how he ran his businesses, suggesting he couldn't be trusted to run the nation's economy.

Trump acknowledged he had used corporate bankruptcy, boasting that he "brilliantly" used the country's laws to further his wealth.

He also repeated his "hope" that he'd be able to release his tax returns by election day; he said an audit has delayed their release.

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