
SAT recovers more than US$16.11 million in “Panama Papers” case

Aristóteles Núñez, head of the Tax Administration Service (SAT), said that the money was recovered in the last two months.

Mossack Fonseca is the Panama-based law firm at the center of the massive leak. (Photo: Reuters)
20/06/2016 |11:35Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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The number of Mexican taxpayers involved in the "Panama Papers" case has raised to 311: 280 people and 31 companies, Aristóteles Núñez, head of the Tax Administration Service (SAT), said.

In a radio interview with Ciro Gomez Leyva, Núñez said that 300.9 million pesos (US$16.11 million) have been recovered in the last two months after individuals and corporations regularized their tax status after the "Panama Papers" leaks.

He explained that 100 of the 311 contributors are in the process of being identified, as some names are incomplete or they used homonyms.

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Núñez said that one person paid 104.7 million pesos (US$5.6 million) after an audit and added that he still owes a 18% surcharge that will be paid in 36 months.