
Formal prison against dissident teachers leader in Mexico

Rubén Núñez is accused of financial operations involving resources derived from illicit sources.

The head of Section 22 of the National Education Workers Coordination. (Photo: File/EL UNIVERSAL)
18/06/2016 |18:09Dennis A. García |
Redacción El Universal
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Federal judges ordered the formal prison of Rubén Núñez Ginez and Francisco Villalobos Ricárdez, leaders of the dissident National Education Workers Coordinatio (CNTE) in the state of Oaxaca.
The Office of the Attorney General  (PGR) presented a series of evidence implicating Núñez, the general secretary, and Villalobos Ricárdez, the organizational secretary of the dissident teachers.
The PGR presented evidence linking Núñez with financial operations with resources derived from illicit sources.

Villalobos Ricárdez, on the other hand, has been implicated in robberies.

They are currently in a federal prison in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora.

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