
Mexican politician Luis H. Álvarez dies at age 96

Luis Héctor Álvarez Álvarez was a former presidential candidate and longtime figure in the National Action Party (PAN.)

(Photo: Archive/El Universal)
18/05/2016 |19:24Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican political leaders confirmed the death of Luis Héctor Álvarez Álvarez, a former presidential candidate and longtime figure in the National Action Party (PAN.)

Former Mexican President Felipe Calderón regretted Álvarez' death on Twitter saying that he was "one of the greatest builders of our democracy and an exemplary Mexican."

Ricardo Anaya, current president of the National Action Party, posted a tweet saying that Álvarez "will always live in our memory."

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Álvarez was the National Action Party president and ran unsuccessfully for president of Mexico in 1958. He also was contributor to El Universal.

In 2000, then Mexican President Vicente Fox appointed him as Peace Talks Coordinator in Chiapas.