
Catholic leaders: El Paso faithful to receive papal blessing

About 50,000 worshippers are expected to attend the Feb. 17 Sun Bowl event scheduled to occur simultaneously with the papal Mass in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.

(Photo: Archive/AP)
02/02/2016 |14:24AP |
Redacción El Universal
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Roman Catholic leaders in El Paso, Texas, say those attending a Sun Bowl telecast of Pope Francis' Mass in neighboring Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, will share in the papal blessing to be bestowed in Juárez.

About 50,000 worshippers are expected to attend the Feb. 17 Sun Bowl event scheduled to occur simultaneously with the papal Mass in Juarez.

Bishop Mark Seitz of the El Paso Roman Catholic diocese says the papal blessing will be the highlight of the event. Also scheduled for the Sun Bowl event are a sacred ceremonial prayer dance by the Tigua (TEE'-wah) Indian Nation Social Dancers and songs led by the 120-member El Paso Diocesan Choir.

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The pontiff's Juárez visit caps a five-day Mexico trip.