
Seven inmates wounded in fight in Tamaulipas

They were taken care of in the prison infirmary.

Concerned relatives surround the prison. (Photo: SPECIAL)
16/02/2016 |19:00
Redacción El Universal
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The Department of Public Security of the State of Tamaulipas confirmed a fight in the state prison of Ciudad Victoria, which resulted in seven injured inmates.

The fight began at 3:10 p.m. in the prison courtyard. The wounded are in the infirmary.

The multi-agency Fuerza Tamaulipas corporation and the military arrived at the jail in order to control the situation.

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In the meantime, relatives of the inmates surround the premises, demanding more information about the situation.

"There were shots and you can see smoke from a fire, but they don't want to provide us with more information," expressed a lady.