
Mexico eyes test imports of light U.S. crude

Mexico will import light crude produced in the United States to test in its refineries this year.

(Photo: Archive/El Universal)
22/01/2016 |19:31Reuters |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexico will import light crude produced in the United States to test in its refineries this year, an executive with PMI, the trading arm of the state-owned oil company Pemex, said on Friday at the Argus Americas Crude Summit in Houston, Texas.

The cargoes will be independent from a light-for-heavy swap agreement between the United States and Mexico

The executive did not provide volume commitments and said the imports would happen sometime this year

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"We are planning to import different kinds of crude and not just process Mexican sour heavy crude," according to Margarita Perez Miranda, head of the international supply and trading business for products at PMI