
Shares in Mexico's Cemex fall more than 8 pct as peso slumps

The Mexican cement giant is burdened with a heavy dollar-denominated debt load from its 2007 acquisition of Australian building products company Rinker.

(Photo: Archive/El Universal)
20/01/2016 |21:11Reuters |
Redacción El Universal
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Shares in Mexican cement giant Cemex fell more than 8 percent on Wednesday, punished by a record low peso exchange rate which ratchets up its debt load.

Cemex is burdened with a heavy dollar-denominated debt load from its 2007 acquisition of Australian building products company Rinker, and has been focusing on reducing debt in a bid to regain an investment-grade rating by 2018.

The peso hit a record low on Wednesday, reaching 18.6 pesos to the dollar.

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