Mikel Arriola, Federal Commissioner for Protection against Health Risks of the Ministry of Health, said that the COFEPRIS received six more requests to use marijuana for recreational purposes.

Arriola explained that the petition was not accompanied by an injunction (amparo), so it will be reviewed in accordance with the General Health Law.

"The requests will be rejected, because the norm was declared unconstitutional for four people only," he said referring to the four members of the Mexican Society for Responsible and Tolerant Self-Consumption (SMART) who pushed Mexico's Supreme Court to rule on the subject after the COFEPRIS rejected their petition.

The six petitioners may follow the same legal strategy used by SMART.

Lorenzo Córdova Vianello, chairman of the National Electoral Institute (INE), proposed to organize a public consultation on marijuana legalization during the 2018 federal elections.

“It would be a good start to discuss a subject of great national importance openly and without false speeches,” Córdova said in an interview.

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