The Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City (TSJDF) ruled in favor of an eight-year-old girl who will now be recognized according to her gender identity, which is different from her biological sex.

In a statement, the Council for the Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination in Mexico City praised the human rights approach in the decision of the court.

The Council expressed that this historical marks a step in favor of the right to gender identity, and the rights of children in Mexico City, due to the presentation of a new birth certificate stating the new name and feminine identity of the girl.

"The minor's parents filed a trial before the TSJDF in which they requested a birth certificate for Reallocation of Gender-Sexual Identity, in order to obtain her legal declaration as a woman," expressed the Council.

The parents expressed that albeit their child was assigned the male gender at birth, she had clearly identified herself as a female from an early age.

Due to critical episodes of discrimination in school, on January 2014 they decided to begin the gender change process in the legal area.

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