
Parents of the 43 want an interview with EPN

They ask that the experts of the IACHR remain in the country indefinitely.

The parents also called for a national march. (Photo: Christopher Rogel)
06/09/2015 |19:19Ruth Rodríguez |
Redacción El Universal
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The parents of the 43 students from Ayotzinapa requested that the group of experts of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights remain indefinitely in the country until the whereabouts of the youngsters are determined.

They also demanded a face-to-face interview with President Enrique Peña Nieto before September 10 in order to solve the case, which they said at a press conference has been plagued by theatrics.

They also reiterated their demand that the authorities return the students alive because they claimed that it has been scientifically demonstrated that they were not burned in the garbage dump of the city of Cocula, Guerrero.

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The parents also said that they require that the investigation is restructured because it has been demonstrated that the Army, the police, and municipal authorities participated in the disappearance of the students and asked that the report from the experts sent by the IACHR forms part of the research. "We will continue until the last consequences," expressed Felipe de la Cruz, who said that the disappearance of the students represents a State crime.

The parents also called for a national march on September 26, the first anniversary of the disappearance of the students, in order to show the strength of the people and demand punishment for the guilty parts. Prior to that date, the parents will hold a fasting that will begin on September 23 and will conclude on the 25.

Finally, the demanded a trial against former Attorney General Jesús Murillo Karam.