
Suspect acknowledges being in the apartment where photojournalist was killed

Prosecutor Rodolfo Ríos told the Televisa network that the suspect was one of three men whom surveillance cameras recorded leaving the apartment building.

In this April 28, 2015 photo, Mexican photojournalist Ruben Espinosa places a plaque to rename a plaza after slain journalist Regina Martinez in the city of Xalapa. (Photo: AP)
06/08/2015 |10:53AP |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexico City's top prosecutor says a suspect has acknowledged he was in the apartment where four women and a photojournalist were killed last week.

Prosecutor Rodolfo Ríos told the Televisa network Thursday that the suspect was one of three men whom surveillance cameras recorded leaving the apartment building.

Ríos declined to identify the man, who he said was previously convicted of rape and causing injuries and served nearly 10 years in prison.

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Ríos also wouldn't say whether the suspect had confessed to either the killings or the robbery police say was apparently carried out at the apartment.

The victims included photojournalist Rubén Espinosa, who fled the Gulf Coast state of Veracruz because of intimidation.

Ríos said investigators had not yet determined the motive in the killings.