
Formal prison to Gorocito and Molina

For the crime of assault and battery against Luis Rodolfo Mariscal.

Their lawyer will appeal. (Photo: Imago/)
23/08/2015 |18:19
Redacción El Universal
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First Criminal Judge Margarita Zapato Vallejo ordered the formal prison of Necaxa soccer club players Luis Antonio Gorocito and Alejandro Molina for assault and battery against Luis Rodolfo Mariscal López, who they allegedly beat last Sunday in the outskirts of a bar.

The players heard the resolution behind bars  at 6:00 p.m. today in the presence of their lawyers, and expressed their inconformity and added that they will appeal.

Lawyer Diego Méndez said that they will base their appeal in the fact that the judge did not properly considered the tests presented on the case and said that his clients are innocent.

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He also claimed that their rights were violated and in the case of Gorocito his situation was not made known to the Consulate of his country of Uruguay.