
Another controversial selfie in Mexico

'He's my new friend,' wrote the nurse in training.

The image of the smiling girl presents a stark contrast with the elderly patient behind her. (Photo: SPECIAL)
11/08/2015 |20:31Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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A nursing student, identified as Coral García, from Xoxocotla, Morelos, took a "selfie" next to an elderly patient in an emergency room, and caused a strong reaction in social networks.

In the photograph, which became viral, Coral smiles under her surgical mask, marking a stark contrast with the image of the sick man.

The image was accompanied with the following text: "He is my new friend."

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The reaction from the users of social networks didn't take long and most condemned her actions.

The case comes at the heels of a controversy generated by a medicine student from the University of the Valley of Mexico, who took a selfie next to a supposedly dying woman.