Mexico Infrastructure Partners, a private equity trust focused on Mexican infrastructure and energy projects will invest 2.3 billion pesos (US$146 million) over the next couple of years, its top executive said on Monday.

The trust, using a relatively new investment instrument known as CKDs, allows investors to take stakes in a wide range of ventures, from project inception to management of assets over the life of the fund.

To date, about 40 such trusts have been listed with the Mexican stock exchange, but only five are focused on infrastructure and energy, said Mario Gabriel Budebo, chief executive officer of Mexico Infrastructure Partners' new EXI Fund.

He put total commitments from the five funds focused on infrastructure and energy at US$2.7 billion over the next three years.

"I think the potential is enormous," Gabriel Budebo said, referring to a sweeping energy opening finalized last year by Mexico's Congress that promises to lure billions of dollars to the country's long-closed and under-invested energy sector.

The EXI Fund's initial three projects are set to be finalized in the next few weeks and are focused on public works for Mexican state governments, while another couple will likely focus on energy transportation and storage.

"The truth is that the scope of the opening is very, very big," he added.

The EXI Fund was launched on Mexico's bourse in December, with a second issue in May, and advisory board members include a former finance minister, the former CEO of leading construction firm ICA and the top executive at oil company Grupo Diavaz.

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