
Four companies retire from Round One bidding

The National Hydrocarbons Commission announced that Glencore, PTT, Noble Energy and Ecopetrol left the process.

Four companies retire from Round One bidding
06/07/2015 |17:59
Redacción El Universal
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Four companies are leaving the first bidding process for the exploitation of oil in Mexico, just a few days before the winner is announced, as the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) announced.

Swiss Glencore, Thailand's PTT Exploration and Production, United States' Noble Energy and Colombia's Ecopetrol requested to be removed from the bidding consortiums for 14 contracts for exploitation in the Gulf of Mexico, according to the CNH.

The agency did not report on the reasons presented by the companies to justify their removal from the process.

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The Round One bidding also includes fields on the ground, deep-sea, and non-conventional areas. The winners are supposed to be announced on July 15.

Now, Premier Oil PLC, which was bidding on its own, will enter into the consortium formed by Talos Energy and Sierra Oil after Glencore left the group.