
Colima airport closed for ash fall

The closing is affecting commercial and private flights.

So far 300 people have been evacuated from the areas near the Fire Volcano. (Photo: SPECIAL)
11/07/2015 |21:59
Redacción El Universal
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The ash fall caused by the Colima Volcano caused the closing of the National Airport Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado, according to governor Mario Anguiano.

On his Twitter account (‏@gobernador_mam), Anguiano reported that the closing is affecting commercial and private flights.

Meanwhile, the Civil Protection authorities reported a constant fall of heavy volcanic ash over the area.

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Due to the volcano activity, five communities have been evacuated, with their inhabitants adding to the 70 already in shelters.

During the weekend, the governments of Colima and Jalisco decided to evacuate 10 populations inside the danger zone, and increase the range of the exclusion area around the volcano to 7.5 miles around the crater. Until yesterday, some 338 residents of the area had been sent to different shelters.

Early Saturday morning, members of the Scientific Investigation Committee Jalisco-Colima conducted three fly-overs to check on the volcano after its recent activity.