
Russian government joins legal defense of Anastasia

Anastasia Lechtchenko, who allegedly murdered and dismembered her mother and sister in Tijuana, said that she was tortured and raped to confess the crime.

Anastasia Lechtcheko, 19, was arrested today for killing and dismembering her mother, 45, and her 12-year-old sister in Tijuana, Mexico. (Photo: El Universal )
24/06/2015 |16:47Laura Sánchez / corresponsal |
Redacción El Universal
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The Russian Government, through its Embassy in Mexico and its Consulate in Tijuana, joined the legal defense of Anastasia Lechtchenko , 19, who allegedly murdered and dismembered her mother and sister.

Gabriel Celestino, Lechtchenko's lawyer, said that the Russian government will monitor the legal process during the trial.

A Russian legal team is analyzing Anastasia's case, because tomorrow a Mexican judge will determine whether she should be released or formally arrested.

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The Russian consular staff will be outside of La Mesa Prison, where the young Russian-born is detained.

Days ago, Lechtchenko said that she was tortured and raped until she confessed to the crime.