No punishment for “ehhh f…”?

Haste and urgency aren't a priority at the Lower Chamber. Our sources say five months weren't enough for the Ethics Committee of the Lower Chamber, led by Martha Tamayo (PRI), to put together a solid investigation and agree on a penalty, or exoneration, for the federal female deputies of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) who last year shouted “Ehhh...faggot” to one of their fellow deputies, Ariel Juárez , of the left National Regeneration Party (MORENA), during a heated debate. We're told that this legislative institution just let time go by and now five out of the six deputies are on a leave of absence without receiving a resolution. We're told that Jonathan Yair Bárcenas , representative of the collective Mexican Parliament and the one who filed the complaint against the deputies, has already been told he should better submit an initiative to modify the Ethics Code for San Lázaro and to be quick about it because he won't go anywhere with the complaint he filed.

AMLO's deals

We're told that the campaign of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) is already preparing several agreements with key industries in Mexico. In Zacatecas, the territory of Ricardo Monreal , López Obrador will soon sign a deal with agricultural associations of all the country. Then, in May and because of the celebration of the Teacher's Day, Mr. Andrés will gather the teacher body in Oaxaca, where he will also sign a deal regarding education. By the way, members of his team tell us that AMLO will repeat the strategy of asking a group of women to keep him safe at public events. Just like the “Gazelles” did in 2006, Mr. Andrés will shield himself behind women but this time, these are ordinary sympathizers. We were told Mr. Andrés himself came up with the idea, requesting to have five women accompany him upon his arrival and departure from events.

Support the migrants...and smile for the camera

The one who went to meet yesterday with the migrant caravan “Migrant Via Crucis” was Emilio Álvarez Icaza , a candidate to the Senate for the Mexico to the Front coalition. He took a seat next to the members of the caravan, smiled for the cameras – photos which he immediately uploaded to his social networks – and promised that if he was elected for the Senate, he would fight to restore the asylum and unity tradition of Mexico “which today turns its back to our Latin American brethren.” No doubt that anything goes in election times.

Sad faces at the PRD?

“The situation of the PRD (left Democratic Revolution Party) isn't the same as it was in 2006,” told us the members of the National Executive Board of the party. What they speak of is the measure of despondency among the ranks because the presidential candidate isn't one of their own and thus, many of them aren't actively campaigning. If anything, they will support their candidates to the Lower and Upper Chambers but, our sources claim, some of them would rather vote for Andrés Manuel López Obrador .


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