
is one of the gems of Mexican culture and one of its higher representatives, that goes further than flavors, as it is born in the same moment in which each of its ingredients is cultivated.

Each dish reflects the unique Mexican style: pozole, chiles en nogada, tamales, tacos, mole, sopes, and the same can be said about our traditional beverages such as champurrado, atole, tepache, pulque, mezcal, and tequila.

In 2010 , the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ) named the Mexican gastronomy as Intangible Heritage of Humanity , and in 2016 , Mexico's Government , through the Ministry of Tourism , declared November 16 to be the National Mexican Gastronomy Day boosting the natural and cultural wealth that our country offers.

Last year, on the occasion of the National Mexican Gastronomy Day, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food ( Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación abbreviated Sagarpa ), said that food preparation is an entire ritual and behind every dish there is an outstanding job.

“Mexican cuisine is one of the world's favorites; its great richness of ingredients, diversity of preparation and millennial history has made it be recognized as an Intangible World Heritage by the UNESCO.”

The previous, refers the federal dependence on its website, are some of the reasons that motivated to create the National Mexican Gastronomy Day, to preserve the cultural heritage and promote the country's cultural development.

Besides, one of the National Plan of Development 2013-2018 's lines of action is the preservation and protection of cultural heritage, united in an efficient way with culture and tourism promotion, so that employment and regional development booms.

That way, Mexico's gastronomy is a privilege that generates much wealth, from cultivation, reaping, production, and distribution, to the food creation itself that fill us with pride, Sagarpa pointed out.


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