The appearance of thousands of mysterious green balls last Sunday at the Huatabampito beach in the Huatabampo municipality of Sonora , has caused astonishment and wonder among locals and tourists alike.

A picture was published via Viva Huatabampo’s official Facebook page in which a large amount of coconut-like balls appeared. Internet users have even gone as far as to call them “alien eggs.”

A similar phenomenon occurred in 2014 at a beach near Sidney, Australia

, where specialists were able to determine that the balls were in fact rolled up algae that had fallen in the bottom of the ocean and grown to form big balls.

Personnel from the National Committee of Aquaculture and Fishing (CONAPESCA) informed that the National Fishing Institute (INAPESCA) would conduct a study on the strange phenomenon occurred 217 miles south of Hermosillo , state capital of Sonora.


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