The federal government will carry out an earthquake drill today, in order to commemorate the two earthquakes that struck the country on this day in 1985 and 2017 .

Earlier today, president López Obrador paid homage to the victims of the earthquakes .

According to the head of Civil Protection, David León , the earthquake drill will take place at 10 a.m. in the 32 Mexican states.

The seismic alarm will be activated in the 18 states that present high seismic activity . The earthquake drill will simulate an 8.6 earthquake on the Richter scale.

The states located on the coast will also have a tsunami drill so that people in states such as Guerrero and Oaxaca are prepared in case a tsunami eventually hits Mexico .

Besides offices and government buildings , at least 2,778 schools and 102 embassies will also participate in the drill.

The government also launched the website , where people will be able to report their location and how long it took them to evacuate the building.


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