The 63rd Legislature of Mexico’s Congress came to employ 2,259 advisers at the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate , paying a total of 4,693,590 pesos during their three-year work period at the legislative body.

The 2,259 advisers that were at the disposal of all 500 federal deputies and 128 senators were hired to provide support at legislative committees, parliamentary groups, government branches, and administrative sections.

Salaries for said advisers ranged between 8,000 and 120,000 pesos a month , meaning that some of these wages were higher than an average deputy’s monthly salary, which is of 74,000 pesos, and as high as the average senator’s salary, which is of 117,000 pesos a month .

All 4,693,590 pesos spent by deputies and senators on personal advisers was well above the approved budget for the operation of Public Health Insurance , which was of 4,060,593,584 pesos.

The total annual budget for the Chamber of Deputies in 2016 was of 7,559 million pesos , while adviser expenses rose to 925 million pesos .

In 2017 , the total budget for deputies was of 7,629 million pesos , out of which 372,243,636 were spent on advisory services. In 2018 , the Lower Chamber had a budget of 8,439 million pesos , 251 million of which were spent on adviser wages.

The total budget for the Senate in 2016 was of 4,421 million pesos , though 1,032 million were spent on advisers. In 2017, the High Chamber had a budget of 4,541 million pesos and 1,096 million were used to pay for advisers .

The Senators Chamber has a staff of 1,339 advisers for all 128 legislators

, as well as for government branches, such as the General Committee, the Political Coordination Board, the Belisario Domínguez Institute, and parliamentary groups, for which 3,610,570 pesos worth of wages have been paid in the past three years.

339 of these wages corresponded to advisers, 71 for technical secretaries at the legislative commissions, 284 parliamentarians, and 90 for technical branches.


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