The Museum of Memory and Tolerance in Mexico City houses, since February 2 , the temporary exhibition: “LGBT+: Identidad, amor y sexualidad” (LGBT+: Identity, love, and sexuality) , which seeks to raise public awareness about diversity, understanding of gender dynamics, and sexual orientation .

Besides promoting a harmonic coexistence and acceptance of the differences between human beings, the purpose of the exhibit is to eradicate discrimination and human rights violations regarding sexual preference and gender, among others.

Linda Atach

, head of the Museum’s Temporal Exhibitions , and the activist and journalist Alejandro Brito Lemus are the curators of this collective exhibition that took several years of research. The project attempts to rend visible some of the most important groups in the LGBT+ community , many of which suffer from constant discrimination and violence in Mexico.

LGBTTTI community fights prejudice at the Museum of Tolerance
LGBTTTI community fights prejudice at the Museum of Tolerance

The exhibition seeks to fight prejudice - Photo: Sáshenka Gutiérrez/EFE

Famous artists have participated in the project, such as South-Korean artist Jeong Mee Yoon , with an exhibit room called “ Identidades ” (Identities), a space meant to reflect upon gender and stereotypes through several visual elements such as the colors blue and pink, which are directly linked to gender identification in society’s collective imagination.

The exhibition will be on display until June 30, 2018 , at the Temporary Exhibition Showroom of the Museum.


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