Hurricane threatens the Council

Meteorologists expect a category 5 hurricane to hit the Congress of the Union after the impasse the Chamber of Deputies was in for seven days. We're told the plenary session, presided now by the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) member, Jorge Carlos Ramírez, predicts a grim weather for agreements in the upcoming days, weeks, and even months. There are some who say the only thing the legislators will manage to agree on – and at high cost – is the Economy Package 2018. What will certainly not be approved is the Internal Security Law, because even if it is bolstered by the PRI, the conservative National Action Party (PAN), and the left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), many aren't quite certain about this legislation, as it has been stated in recent months. The Mixed Leadership is another issue neither the PRI nor the Federal Government approves of; thus, heavy rainfalls are expected on very few agreements, but thunderstorms are predicted for those where there isn't the slightest breath of consensus.

Lighting the shadows of Javier Duarte

Octavio Pérez

, Mayor of San Andrés Tuxtla, Veracruz, has disclosed the modus operandi of the former Veracruz Governor , Javier Duarte , to obtain public resources. We're told Octavio Pérez has documents proving several municipalities signed an agreement with a company who earned huge profits with the sale of lamps. The issue here is that the lamps are of the lowest quality possibles, but the mayors cannot file a claim against the company Luminarias de Veracruz S.A. de C.V. because its legal address is empty. The representative of this corporation is Jaime Eduardo Monje, who used to be the leader of the Dynamic Youth organization incorporated and chaired by none other than Cecil Duarte de Ochoa , brother of the former Veracruz Governor, Javier Duarte. They are now trying to figure out how to shed light into what the former Governor tried to keep in the shadows.

Barrales puts off walking tour

The faces of the left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) were sneering after the national leader of their party, Alejandra Barrales , announced she'd start a walking tour in Mexico City to explain the scope of the Citizen's Front, agreed upon amongst the PRD, the conservative National Action Party (PAN) and the Citizen's Movement Party. However, yesterday we had the shocking news, courtesy of the leader of the PRD in Mexico City, Raúl Flores, that the “informative and promotional acts of the PRD and the Citizen's Front for Mexico” would have to be suspended this weekend. Even though they justified the decision on the effects caused by the 8.2 earthquake and the heavy rains which affected Mexico City, some PRD members think she should've chosen a better time to try and become the candidate of this front for Mexico City, because it seems she's not the only one interested in the position. Oops!

Zavala sees hate in the PAN

We're told that the presidential candidate nominee of the conservative National Action Party (PAN) , Margarita Zavala, has claimed her party needs to sit and talk before the fracture amidst its members becomes irreversible. At the end of an event she had in the state of Puebla this weekend, she remarked that the situation in the PAN has been very unfortunate, but she had never seen such a strong divide before. “I've been a PAN member of many years and we've had disagreements, but I'd never seen this behavious and this hate,” she said. Someone please do something.


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