The express membership of Ximena Puente and Vanessa Rubio

Overnight, the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) issued a membership for some people, so they could appear in the list of plurinominal candidates for the Congress – in order to avoid breaking its own by-laws, which fail to mention that sympathizers are able to become eligible members for the plurinominal lists, according to experts of the PRI by-laws. Last Sunday, the PRI defined its plurinominal lists but one day before they had to register Ximena Puente de la Mora and other characters who have the full trust of the party's presidential candidate, José Antonio Meade , such as Vanessa Rubio and the former member of the conservative National Action Party (PAN), Emilio Suárez, attorney of the presidential candidate...among others, of course, who are now members of the PRI. This was done so they didn't violate the by-laws and they could spare themselves the myriad of challenge procedures you can always count on some discontented characters bringing forth.

AMLO displays his power

Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO)

, top of the polls, raised expectations when he called each of his nine generals to Mexico City. He arranged to meet them one after the other, but not to work or to be joined by their campaign teams no. There was no catch, just a handful of photographers and the facilities used as background for the photos. Our sources say they didn't discuss politics with the presidential candidate, who came across as warm, kind, and – as it is so characteristic of him – in full control of the situation, which was more than evident when Miguel Barbosa , Ricardo Sheffield, Adán López, Joaquín Díaz, Claudia Sheinbaum , Carlos Lomelí, Rutilio Escandón, Cuitláhuac García, and Cuahutémoc Blanco all came to answer his call. For many, that was the message: a group united under the baton of the leader...

Is El Bronco giving up?

Jaime Rodríguez Calderón

, known as “El Bronco”, is telling his supporters that they shouldn't give up, that they will reach the ballot. On his Twitter account, Mr. Jaime wrote he is “being set many obstacles on his way” to see if he gives up but that it will not happen. However, there was a lot of silence on his social networks after the National Electoral Institute (INE) decided to launch an investigation into the signatures gathered by the three independent candidates. Is El Bronco already giving up? We have to ask because yesterday there was a meeting for his sympathizers at the Gran Plaza in Monterrey, but our sources claim a clown, who happened to be performing there for passersby, gathered much more of a crowd than the meeting ever did.

Sparks fly over the new Government Publicity Law

One of the chief advocates of the Social Communication Law, better known as the Government Publicity Law , is the president of the Commission of the Interior in the Lower Chamber, Mercedes Guillén (of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party), We're told she wants no surprises and knows about the reach of Mexico's Supreme Court of Justice in case this bill isn't approved before next April 30th . Our sources say that she has even been fined and received a warning for not launching the Preliminary Assessment Subcommission to review the 200 political trials in pending case files. Our sources say that you don't mess with the Court and if all legislators (500 deputies and 128 senators) are held in contempt of court, they could all be prosecuted during their next terms of office for not having passed the bill despite having an injunction. Uh-oh!


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