The Border Literature Book Fair

( Feria del Libro de la Frontera , FLF) 2018 , organized by the state of Chihuahua’s Ministry of Culture opened its doors today in Ciudad Juárez . It focuses on the literary productions of migrants and writers from northern Mexico and it will last until June 3 , at the La Rodadora Interactive museum .

The famous actress Lilia Aragón was present at the literary symposium’s inauguration, as well as several state officials.

Some of the writers presenting their latest work at the FELIF were Sanjuana Martínez, with her book La señora Calderón (Mrs. Calderón) ; Sofía Macías, “Pequeño cerdo capitalista ” (Little Capitalist Pig) ; Eileen Truax, “Mexicanos al grito de Trump ” (Mexicans, at the Cry of Trump) , and Fernando Reyes, with “Agustín y la chica que solía patinar ” (Agustín and the girl who used to skate) .

Concepción Landa, the state’s Secretary of Culture

, stated that this book fair is one of the most important in the border area and it is dedicated to the migrant populations as well as those living in northern Mexico. The fair is also aimed at children and youths.

On its eighth edition , the FLF will be intercultural. One of its main themes will be the presentation of original haikus written in rarámuri , the language of the Tarahumara people , and a translation of The Little Prince into the same language. Rarámuri activist and artist Martín Makawi will host the presentation.

At an activity which was part of the program “I read, therefore I am” by the National Institute of Fine Arts , Lilia Aragón expressed that the FLF is an opportunity for the audiences to have a voice and to extend it.

“Because words are links that bring us together in an unbreakable bond,”

the actress explained.

The coordinator of the book fair, Francisco Arce , stated that, on this occasion, they wanted to put their focus on “the diverse audiences in the border community.”

Additionally, he pointed out the relevance of an event such as this being hosted in Ciudad Juárez.

In this regard, Raúl Enríquez , one of the attendants, considered that this book fair, in particular, is one of the centerpieces for the recovery of Ciudad Juárez regarding security.

“We don’t need the army on the streets as much as we need cultural and educational events. This is where we should fight the drug war,”

he commented.

Since late 2008

, the drug cartels started a war for the territory of Ciudad Juárez, given its strategic location for the drug traffic with the United States.

However, over the past two years, the city has managed to reduce its violence rates regarding drug traffic by 60% , according to official statistics.


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