El artista y activista chino Ai Weiwei está demandando al fabricante de autos Volkswagen por usar indebidamente en un comercial su instalación "Soleil Levant", compuesta con cerca de 3 mil 500 salvavidas que fueron usados por migrantes.

El creador aseguró que el fabricante de autos violó los derechos de autor de su obra luego de usar como fondo su instalación para promocionar un automovil de su marca.


I am suing Volkswagen in Denmark for violating my intellectual property and moral rights. My artwork “Soleil Levant” (2017), which I created for World Refugee Day, was installed at Copenhagen's Kunsthal Charlottenborg from June 20 to October 1, 2017. The work comprises 3,500 lifejackets used by refugees who fled to Lesvos, Greece, escaping persecution and conflict. In October 2017 Volkswagen Denmark used an unauthorized photo of “Soleil Levant” in an ad for its VW Polo campaign. I was not credited as the artist, and my artwork image was uncredited and cropped without permission. The infringing material was circulated to over 200,000 people, giving the false impression that I had authorized Volkswagen to use my artwork in its ad for the new Polo. I was astonished by Volkswagen’s brazen violations of my intellectual property and moral rights. Since November 2017 I have been trying to resolve the matter with Volkswagen. In more than one year of fruitless negotiation, they only engaged in arrogant gestures to trivialize their guilt and dismiss the matter. Intellectual property protection lies at the heart of a society that values human invention and makes our useful accumulation of knowledge possible. Respect of intellectual property law is one cornerstone of a functioning international legal system. As one of the largest European companies, Volkswagen should understand these same laws. Volkswagen and other multinational corporations have tremendous bargaining power in intellectual property protection as well as environmental and human rights. They are not above the law. Human rights, like intellectual property, is a popular concept but one that is difficult to enforce. We should remember that Germany took in one million refugees in 2015, a powerful humanitarian act in a divided world. As one of Germany’s internationally most visible companies, Volkswagen’s disregard for fair play and humanitarian issues is truly disturbing.

Una publicación compartida de Ai Weiwei (@aiww) el

De acuerdo con el artista señaló que la marca usó su obra sin su consentimiento haciendo creer a más de 20 mil personas que él sí dio autorización para hacer uso de la imagen de su obra. Este miércoles se llevará un juicio en Copenhague, por lo que Ai Weiwei publicó una selfie mostrando su dedo medio a la fábrica de autos.

Ai Weiwei recurrió a demandar luego de más de un año de negociaciones infructuosas luego que los creadores de autos hicieran gestos arrogantes para trivializar su culpa.


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