To introduce younger readers to Frida Kahlo , considered the most famous Latin American painter of the 20th century and main figure of Mexican art , Frida Kahlo. A biography by María Hesse is already published in Mexico.

It is a beautifully illustrated biography with evocative images drawn by Maria Hesse. The comic or graphic novel is about the artist named Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderón , whose life was marked by polio and then by a serious accident in her youth, on September 17, 1925 .

However, Frida was more than pain and anguish. She wanted to be faithful to her personality and became an artist full of life. Her paintings are festivity, color, blood, and life . She was a fighter and a passionate woman who was not limited to remain in the shadow of her great love, the Mexican muralist Diego Rivera.

Frida exhibited at the "Julien Levy Gallery" in New York (1938), the "Galerie Renou et Colle" in Paris (1939), the "Galería de Arte Mexicano" by Inés Amor in Mexico City , the "International Exhibition of Surrealism," and also at the "Gallery of Contemporary Art" by Lola Álvarez Bravo (1953), with great success.

Frida decided to live with intensity, both the misfortunes and the joy that life gave her. Thus, the book is inspired by the experiences of the painter and offers an attractively illustrated journey on her life and work. And Hesse loves c hildren and illustration , that is why she studied Primary Education Teaching , specialized in Special Education .

Frida Kahlo. A biography

is her first illustrated album and has already received interesting critiques, such as the one that says it is" an edition in which Hesse has worked for a year, " and another that reads "this book has a degree of surrealism and a naif appearance that connects with Frida Kahlo. The reinterpretations she makes of her paintings are unique ."


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