A total of 40 cultural venues, including Universum, joining the tour "From the Earth to the Universe" - will participate in the traditional Museum Night next Wednesday, May 31.

The Ministry of Culture of Mexico City, second with more museums in the world right behind London, informed that these spaces will open their doors from 19 hours, to offer different activities and thus conclude the celebrations that were organized around the cultural celebration: May, Month of museums.

Among the activities, The Estanquillo Museum will hold a couple of exhibitions and The Old College of San Ildefonso will witness a concert, while the Coral Ensemble Ludens will be presented at the Diego Rivera Mural Museum, and a night of Mazahua rock and art will be experienced in the Franz Mayer Museum.

There will also be a harpsichord recital at the College of Vizcaínas, an illustrated workshop at the Metro Museum of Mexico City and a jazz concert will be enjoyed at the Archive of Photography Museum.

The National Museum of the Revolution will have a guided tour, show shorts and present the night of Tango, as well as a night of jazz, blues and bossanova.

The activities include a Museum Rally, which concludes on May 31st and where participants can still plan their route to visit one of the 50 museums that will participate in the dynamics and win a surprise gift.

All these activities and many more are part of the celebration of the International Museum Day, celebrated on and around May 18th.


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