Senator Miguel Barbosa, of the Labour Party (PT), requested the head of the Executive Power to declare three days of national mourning since the Mexican nation demands justice, a stop to impunity and guarantees that never again a homicide of a member of those who exercise the liberty of expression occurs again.

Through a point of agreement that he will present to the Permanent Commission, Barbosa stated that he expects the State to acknowledge the magnitude of the crisis that the murders of journalists represent and that the federal, state and municipal powers commit to guarantee that attempts against their lives never happen again.

He explained that the national flag would have to be raised at half mast and guarantees should be provided for society to be able to freely express their solidarity with journalists on the streets, public squares, work and study centers.

During these three days, the National Commission and state commissions of Human Rights would have to present reports of the aggressions and attacks towards journalists and communicators.

Another issue that the point of agreement proposes is that, during these three days, the Secretary of Government, the Federal Attorney General and the Special Prosecutor's Office to Crimes against the Freedom of Expression present the advances and status of the investigations of the murders and aggressions against journalists.


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