The Minister of Labor and Social Welfare of Mexico, Alfonso Navarrete Prida, pointed out that his nation has gotten 500,000 children leave the yoke of child labor and return to school in little more than two years, expressed the official in a high-level panel organized in the framework of the World Day against Child Labor.

The transition was made particularly since the beginning the administration of President Enrique Peña Nieto's government, he said.

Navarrete Prida pointed out at the importance of the labor and educational reform in the country, as well as the importance of having signed the ILO Convention 138 on minimum age for admission to employment.

He pointed out that these reforms as a whole, together with other measures, will allow a sustainable growth in the country and prepare the ground to continue working in favor of two million 500,000 children who are still the victims of this scourge.

The panel also had the participation of Nobel Prize winner Kailash Satyarthi, and the first lady of Panama, Lorena Castillo de Varela, who exchanged points of view with the delegates attending the CIV International Labor Conference.

On the other hand, with regard to the situation in Latin-America, Navarrete Prida pointed out that child labor as a social problem is multifactorial and must be addressed with multifactorial responses.

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