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Mexican actress Yalitza Aparicio
, the first Indigenous woman to be nominated for an Oscar as best actress for her role in ROMA , will be appointed as a UNESCO goodwill ambassador on Friday.
In a statement, UNESCO announced that the 25-year-old actress will fight to protect the rights of Indigenous communities for the next two years.
She was chosen as a goodwill am bassador for her commitment to gender equality and the rights of Indigenous people , as well as involvement in other social programs.
The ceremony where she will be appointed as a goodwill ambassador will take place in Paris on Friday.
Goodwill Ambassadors
According to UNESCO 's website, the Goodwill Ambassadors are an outstanding group of celebrity advocates , spreading the ideals of UNESCO through their name and fame.
The ambassadors are appointed by the organization. They extend and amplify UNESCO 's work and mission . The UNESCO Goodwill Ambassadors also agree to use their talent and status to help focus the world's attention on the work of UNESCO .
Through their career and humanitarian commitment , the Goodwill Ambassadors make an important contribution towards the objectives and aims in UNESCO 's fields of competence, which are education , culture , and science .