President Enrique Peña Nieto

stated that Mexico is consolidating as the country in Latin America with the largest number of World Heritage sites with the recent addition of the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán valley to UNESCO’s World Heritage sites list .

On his Twitter account, the Federal Chief Executive highlighted that the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve is the fourth site registered during this administration by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

President Peña Nieto wrote this morning on his Twitter account @EPN: "@UNESCO has recognized the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve as a World Heritage. With almost 1.24 million acres, it is the 4th site registered during this administration. Thus, @Mexico is consolidated as the country in Latin America with the largest number of World Heritage sites."

During the 42nd Meeting of the UNESCO Committee held in Manama, Bahrain , it was considered that this reserve with 1,235,526 acres and declared a natural protected area since 1998 , is important because its inhabitants have adapted their ways of living with the earth.

The multinational body noted that Mexico resolved the observations made last year and met the criteria so that the valley is fully registered as a mixed asset.

The Mexican delegation highlighted that the site is made up of interwoven realities where culture and nature are combined, as well as a population that preserves the best of the region. For Mexico, this area is a conceptual paradigm with exceptional values.

Tehuacán-Cuicatlán is an important reserve that hosts 70 percent of the families of the world's flora, as well as an agrobiodiversity center "for numerous groups of plants, such as cacti."

With this appointment, the valley has become Mexico’s second mixed place inscribed on the list of UNESCO, which currently has 35 world heritage sites .


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