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A young Mexican man was verbally and physically attacked by two Irish nationals for speaking Spanish .
The Mexican man shared his grueling experience through social media:
The young man recorded the incident while the women told him “go back to your country”, hit him, and broke his earphones. He then explained that the police arrived and that they interviewed him and the aggressors.
In an i nterview with EL UNIVERSAL , the young man explains that these racist attacks are common in Ireland and that they are usually perpetrated by young people between 11 and 18.
He further explains that Irish authorities think they can't prosecute minors , even when they commit crimes .
The Mexican national said he is worried about the situation migrants are currently facing in Ireland and considers that there is a cultural problem that affects society in general but that it has become harsher for migrants who have a difficult time speaking English .
“There currently is a problem in Dublin . These young people, who will be the future, should be educated in regards to tolerance , to not be racist , to tolerate other nationalities.” The young man, who is studying English in Ireland, explains that “ Discrimination in the face of the language barrier is noticeable in establishments or at the customs, where the attitude changes when you don't speak English .”
After he was verbally and physically attacked by the Irish women , he said that authorities launched an investigation and that the police has been questioning his reasons to take legal action against the women : “the official that updates me about the developments has asked me to think this through, with the argument that (the attackers) are just teenagers who need help.”
The attackers have been identified and are willing to pay for his earphones.
The young man from León, Guanajuato , says that Mexico's embassy in Ireland and the Mexican consul in Dublin have followed his case but have asked him for discretion so that the racial attack doesn't spread fear among Mexicans who want to study in Ireland .
He said that he has been living in Ireland for one year and that Irish people are mostly friendly and polite and that this is the first time he was discriminated, nevertheless, he explained that Brazilian and African migrants face harsher situations.
The Mexican student hopes that this incident won't affect his visa renewal process so that he can continue studying in the European country .
In a Facebook post from June 4, the Mexican man explains that he has received a lot of support and solidarity from the Mexican, Latin American, and Irish communities , including the aggressors' relatives. Furthermore, he expressed that Irish people are welcoming and that this incident shouldn't affect the country and the relationship between Mexico and Ireland .