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The Guerrero Gap is still dormant, gathering enough energy to cause an earthquake of epic and catastrophic proportions, according to some.
Yet this prediction has led engineer Reynaldo Vela to build a device capable of increasing survival odds in case of an earthquake, the capsule K 107 .
During an interview with EL UNIVERSAL, Vela claimed the energy released could very well surpass the 9 degrees, reason why buildings built before 1985 in Mexico City could be at great risk.
According to the engineer, the device spent 8 years in the making, with an investment of MXN$ 12.5 million (roughly, USD$ 615, 531*). While the capsule has garnered the interest of the population, it hasn't been thus far tested under real conditions.

(The capsule is egg-shaped to withstand more damage – Photo: Courtesy)
The design and material analysis took Vela two years to complete, and according to his results, the optimal shape was that of a velociraptor egg . The Engineer states it's the most stable geometrical shape, in addition that it has no ridges – unlike pyramids or parallelepipeds – which can help it withstand impacts.
Reynaldo Vela says the K 107 capsule is accessible, given that it has a price of MXN$ 45,000. Moreover, for every 10 capsules he sells, one is donated to vulnerable citizens.
Currently, the donated capsules have been given to senior citizens living on the 17th floor of Cuauhtémoc Tower in Tlatelolco. These people were chosen after performing an analysis of the most vulnerable people in Mexico City.
Vela tod us the idea came from the International community. In response to a call of the UN, Vela presented his capsule before the European Union. There, the Center for Third World Studies mentioned it was vital to donate some of the pieces and thus Vela determined it was feasible to donate 1 for each 10 sold.
Currently, he has 370 requests for capsules and is about to deliver 8. Delivery times are slow, given it takes him some time to design and manufacture each piece.
After the quake of September 19, 2017, Vela also realized he could work on other models, given that the life of pets, mainly dogs, were also needed to be considered in Mexico City.
Within each capsule, you can find food and water supplies for 30 days , in addition to other 10 security factors, in compliance with the guidelines of the World Health Organization.

(Photo: Courtesy)
Reynaldo Vela trusts that the future of the K 107 in all houses worldwide. In October he presented the capsule in Villano, Italy , where the idea was well received. He has also contacted the Government of Japan and hopes to present his product there in the short-term.
The capsule has been approved by the National Council on Science and Technology (CONACYT), the State of Mexico, the Atzcapozalco campus of the UNAM, several laboratories, and private organizations.
After the capsule, Vela claims he will focus on the water shortage Mexico City faces.
*At an exchange rate of USD$ 1 = MXN$ 20.30