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CNDH dirige recomendación a Sedena, GN y SSPC por tortura contra dos adolescentes; "debieron salvaguardar su integridad", dice
Diputado del PAN cuestiona programa "Salud casa por Casa" de Claudia Sheinbaum; exige personal de salud, no morenistas
Fernández Noroña turna a comisiones iniciativas para elección de jueces; se sesionarán este martes por la noche
Sheinbaum no es abogada, que opine sobre su materia; vocera de trabajadores del PJF pide ser tomados en cuenta
ONG advierten que megaproyecto Saguaro devastará vida marina del Golfo de California; piden su cancelación
José Antonio Meade is back in the spotlight
Former presidential candidate José Antonio Meade was spotted in a forum organized by Encarnación Alfaro and Héctor Yunes. Meade spoke about Mexico’s current context due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Around 500 people watched the virtual forum, including PRI leader René Juárez, senator Beatriz Paredes, former governor Manuel Cavazos, and former PRI leader Manlio Fabio Beltrones, among others. It seems paradoxical that PRI members invited Meade, especially since many of them complained about him not being a party member when he ran for office in 2018.
Mexican soldiers will travel to Russia
At least 77 Army and Air Force members will travel to Russia to play at an international military music festival. The music festival will take place in Moscow on August 28 and September 6. The military personnel received support from President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the Senate, who even issued a decree and published it in the Official Gazette. With the president’s blessing, they hope to succeed at the music festival.
Senator fights COVID-19
Senators are checking in on Miguel Ángel Navarro Quintero, the head of the Health Commission at the Senate after he was hospitalized and diagnosed with COVID-19. On Saturday it was announced that Navarro Quintero is stable. The Morena senator is respected by all political parties for his work at the commission, especially amid the pandemic.
Where will Congress host its first session?
Negotiations are flowing at great speed at Congress . While PAN lawmaker Laura Rojas Hernández said Congress wasn’t being planned to carry out a session on September 1, PAN senator Mauricio Kuri González said it is ok to organize a session at the Zócalo or National Auditorium as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Morena leader Mario Delgado agrees with Mauricio Kuri.