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The tradition dates back to colonial times . When colonizers and missioners arrived into the American continent , they brought religious figures with them. The Mexicas had a similar tradition , as they made amaranth figures of Huitzilopochtli as a child, that they then took to the temple , where they were blessed and then took them home. These Indigenous communities decorated the figures with flowers , and this is the origin of the current tradition .
During Candlemas in Mexico , people take their figures to church so they are blessed by the priests but before the event, the figures have been repaired, painted, and dressed up .
The outfits and accessories are available in every market , prices range from MXN $70 to MXN $300 , and you can also purchase accessories such as shoes, rosaries, chairs, crowns, blankets, and cases.
Nowadays, you can find people selling these outfits in every market in Mexico City, as well as many workshops and stores in Mexico City's historic center but now there are catalogs to choose from and even online shops .
The outfits are usually very colorful and shiny, many times they are embroidered by hand and shops offer all kinds of outfits to represent many saints , as well as football players, Aztecs, mariachis , and the Pope; although it is considered as disrespectful to dress them as popular characters.
So if you want to dress up your family's heirloom figure, don't forget to stop by any market in the city!