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Ulises Ruiz busca fundar “México Nuevo”; entrega ante el INE solicitud de registro de partido político

Captan a Luis Videgaray en Washington previo a toma de protesta de Trump; reaparece en cena exclusiva del equipo del Presidente

Condena la ONU-DH asesinatos del periodista Calletano de Jesús y del defensor Sergio Cruz; exige investigaciones

Fernández Noroña rechaza declaración de Trump sobre cárteles mexicanos; “inaceptable una invasión militar”, afirma

“Irreal que vayan a deportar a millones de personas”; experta afirma que EU carece de recursos y sistema para enfrentarla

PRI y PAN exigen a Sheinbaum “postura firme” ante Trump; destacan apoyo a migrantes y una América del Norte más integrada
Mexico's foreign relations minister says his country has not seen any increase in deportations by U.S. authorities despite reports of immigration raids in several states.
Luis Videgaray says that "as far as the numbers of deported people, we still have not seen any increase."
Videgaray told the Televisa network Monday that Mexico's government has been hearing reports of raids in California, North Carolina and South Carolina from individuals and Mexican consulates.
Videgaray says Mexican citizens in the U.S. should not let immigration authorities into their homes without a warrant. He also says they are under no obligation to speak without a lawyer present.
Mexico has earmarked about US$50 million to hire lawyers for migrants in the United States facing deportation.