Around 34% of Mexicans make online purchases, which is under the average 48% in Latin America , according to data from the PayPal Cross-border Consumption Investigation of 2018 .

Out of the total of internet shoppers in Mexico, 56% buy both local and cross-border products and services, while only 10% consume products from other countries.

In Brazil , the number of people who engage in domestic e-commerce rose to 52% . The percentage of Brazilians who bought both national and cross-border products was of 40% , while those who only purchase foreign products represent an 8% .

Out of all three Latin American countries taken into account for the investigation, Argentina had the largest number of internet shoppers ( 57% ). People who bought both local and foreign products represented a 35% of the total, though the number of online shoppers who bought foreign products exclusively was of 12% .

As for the devices used for online purchases, Mexico stood out with 31% of acquisitions conducted through smartphones, well above the regional average of 27% .

While 28% of Brazilians and 21% of Argentinians use smartphones for online shopping, most people still use desktop computers or laptops, although Mexico has the lowest number of PC and laptop users with a rough 53% , which is under the 59% average , while in Brazil, 66% of internet shoppers prefer using PC computers or laptops.

The investigation conducted by PayPal revealed that the countries that sold most products online for Latin American shoppers were: China, with 26%; the United States, with 21%; the United Kingdom, with 14%; Germany, 10%, and Japan (5%) .


of global users tend to acquire their products and services in other countries because of lower prices.


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