López Obrador does the math

We've been told that the presidential candidate of the left National Regeneration Party (MORENA), Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) , is doing the math to see if there will be enough votes, but not for the Presidency because he has claimed “that's a done deal.” No, Mr. Andrés is doing the math, according to our sources, to get an estimate of how the coalition and his party will do in local elections. We've been told that according to his numbers, he will get 75% of votes in his native Tabasco ; 60% in Chiapas , and 50% in Mexico City . Thus far these are the predictions of Mr. Andrés Manuel and in the other states, he has very conservative numbers, or like he would say, there are no done deals yet.

The respect to other people's public is peace

Without a qualm, the member of the conservative National Action Party (PAN) Fernando Herrera posted on Twitter a message which read: “Before a crowd of over 100,000 people we closed the campaign. We're going to win #AnayaPresident #ForPeaceinMexico.” Yet our sources say that not even as an act of courtesy did Mr. Fernando – head of the PAN in the Senate – clarified that the crowd was there, near the Angel of Independence on Reforma Avenue, to close the campaign of Alejandra Barrales , running for Mayor of Mexico City, and that Ricardo Anaya was just a guest speaker. So some members of the left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) tell us that despite the PRD, PAN and MC are currently members of a common front, the respect to other people's public is peace.

The Castañeda poll which sees Meade as the winner

The one who is having a serious problem with his social network manager is Jorge Castañeda , the campaign coordinator of Ricardo Anaya . Last Saturday, Mr. Jorge posted a “poll” on Twitter with data gathered from the social network itself which obtained the following results: Meade 45%, AMLO 32%, and Anaya 23%. The graphs say a total of 118, 524 votes were received. The data was quite curious, almost ironic, and no one bat an eyelash over it due to the high contrast between it and official polls. However, yesterday afternoon, the tweet was erased from the account – as if Twitter polls had any significance or the power to cause a major disruption.

Meade and the roads ahead

Among the members of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), they claim José Antonio Meade has two roads ahead of him. The first, to emulate the victory of Alfredo del Mazo in the State of Mexico – a victory which, they claim, was hard-won but achievable nonetheless. The second, to emulate the victory of Miguel Riquelme in Coahuila, who won his position as Governor in court. In the meantime, during the three remaining days of Meade's campaign, the PRI member's and Meade's team have as a priority to decide on a strategy that can land them where they need next July 1st, otherwise, there will be no roads ahead.


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