Las hermanas Hadid son las modelos más reconocidas y famosas en el mundo, su éxito las ha llevado a ser cara de reconocidas marcas. Este éxito parece que se ha sembrado dentro de la familia Hadid , ya que ahora la prima de las hermanas, Joann Van Den Herik es una estrella de la familia que brilla por sí sola.

Joann Van Den Herik

es hija del hermano de Yolanda Hadid, madre de Gigi y Bella . Ella ha heredado los genes de sus primas y, ahora, se ha convertido en una de las modelos curvy más exitosas. Recientemente ha hecho su debut con Gorgeous DD+ , una marca de lencería pluz size.


sigue los pasos al modelaje, pues ya firmó contratos con agencias internacionales como Maxime Models y Model Management , destacando como parte de las modelos de talla grande.


Blue symbolizes trust, loyalty and confidence. What is your favorite color? #Blue #Colors

Una publicación compartida de Joann (@joannvdherik) el

Además Joann ha utilizado las redes sociales para promover el amor propio, dejando verse totalmente al natural, manifestándose sobre la felicidad, la autenticidad y la seguridad consigo misma.


All my life I've been focused on my weight. "Fat" is used so often with women. I grew up thinking "fat" is the worst thing you could be called by someone. I thought "fat" was an insult. But calling someone fat, says more about the person who said it, than about yourself. You see, I HAVE fat, I'm not fat. Fat does not define me. I know what I eat, how much I exercise. I know that I'm a lot more than just my appearances. Sometimes I take flattering photos with make-up on (on the left) and sometimes I'm just not feeling posing and HATE make-up (on the right). Both is okay. Both bodies are OKAY. Most people would say picture two is an unflattering photo. But I love it. I love that you can see my imperfections, my fatrolls, my imperfect skin, my cellulite. Those are all my insecurities in one single picture. This is a big step for me because I'm still insecure and not 100% confident, but I want to show you guys that even people with many followers aren't perfect. I used to HATE every inch of my body. That mindset not only made me grumpy towards myself, but towards every one around me. It made me envious towards other women. I'm happy I realised that my body is great and that "perfect" doesn't exist. With this picture, I wanted to show every boy and girl out there, that YOUR BODY IS BEAUTIFUL. Your body is gorgeous, your body is unique, your body is yours. You can have fatrolls. You can have pimples. You can have stretchmarks. You can have everything you want. You can be whatever you want. Our stories and experiences make us who we are and that's the most amazing thing. Take that with you and embrace your body, embrace those curves! Make your insecurities your own, turn them into something positive, make them YOU! Don't hate your body until you lose weight or get the perfect body at the gym, do it the whole way, do it NOW! Loving yourself is greatest achievement of all #LoveYourself #LoveYourBody #BodyPositive

Una publicación compartida de Joann (@joannvdherik) el

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