
bursts into our daily lives to elevate our quality of life and make ordinary tasks easier. Nevertheless, oversights, ignorance and frauds can make us pay dearly and cause an impact on our personal or family assets.

Data from Mexico's National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Financial Services Users (Condusef) show that in 2016 complaints of cybernetic attacks increased a 123%, which represented a total of one million 700 thousand claims. Most of this cases were identity thefts . It's enough for criminals to hear a password, know our date of birth, or access personal files to open bank accounts or acquire credits on behalf of someone else.

The general public needs to have much greate r awareness of risks posed by technology in cases as simple as identifying a legitimate or false email – situation used by criminals to obtain, mainly, bank account data. Other situations that put us at risk that generally go unnoticed are keeping on the wi-fi of our mobile phones, save notes in phones with bank account or email passwords, or use e-banking at public internet connections.


informs today that banks are ready to apply new measures and fight identity theft, yet they are still waiting for the legislation to meet the required steps to enter into full force and effect. The process for the publication of this law has already taken months, and will still take a few more. For this matter, celerity is key to protect uses of financial services against the misuse of their personal data.

Some banks with operations in Mexico use cutting-edge technology in other countries to fight this crime. Why must implementation in Mexico has to wait until it becomes a mandatory requirement by financial authorities? Currently, a minimum of banking institutions has adopted this technology of their own accord.

When more security controls are implemented – such as the use of biometric data: facial, iris and fingerprint recognition – banks will have to convincingly explain how this information will be protected, in order to gain the trust of their clients and avoid these measures from having a negative effect and creating reluctance in facilitating personal data to credit institutions.

The project should be started as soon as possible. It cannot be tolerated to have personal or family assets jeopardized by a crime against which greater security measures can – already – be taken.


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