The director of the firefighter squad of Mexico City, Raúl Esquivel, reported that the intense rain recorded last night shot down at least 80 trees and caused 57 floods in the metropolis.

Through his Twitter account, Esquivel reported that they received 11 service calls, people reported six times the fall of electrical cabling and five billboards fell down.

Esquivel added that they were called to retrieve a body, exhume another one and tend to a building collapse.

He gave no further details, but he could be talking about the death of a woman at a trolley station in the central area of the city. She was killed when a wall from a dilapidated building fell over her because of the rain.

Also, in the southern area of Cuicuilco, the fall of a tree killed a 77-year-old man.

During the storm, @webcamsdemexico captured the fall of a ray of such magnitude that it was dubbed "The Ray of Terror" in the posh area of Santa Fe.

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